How it works

Competition Cloud makes competitions fast, fun, and easy.

We hunt down thousands of competitions and put all the best in one place to save you time and energy.

Access filters to find the prizes you’re looking for, tools to help manage your entries, and even one-click entry on selected competitions with a Pro Membership.

Better still, you earn points for every competition on Competition Cloud. These points give you more chances to win in our monthly prize draw.

Here’s how you can get started.

1. Create your account

You can set up your account in seconds. Either enter your email and a preferred password or connect with your Facebook or Google accounts.

2. Find a competition

Scroll down to browse through the competitions – there are hundreds to choose from with new competitions added every day.

3. Click to enter

Click on the competition you want to win and you’ll be taken to the competition website. After you enter, simply come back to Competition Cloud and mark the competition as entered to keep track of your entries!

4. Earn points, win members-only prizes

Visit every day and enter competitions to win more Cloud Points which you can use to enter the monthly prize draw.

The more competitions you enter, the more points you receive, and the more chances you have to win exclusive member-only prizes.